Discover the Tall Grass Zoo
Recently an avid gardener shared the successes occurring in her small, designated no-mow area. Her nephew is an invasive plant
specialist for NYS and as a gift, he walked through the area and identified 71 plants with only 9 invasive, 38 native and 24 non-native, but not invasive. In 1 year’s time, nature added almost 40 new native meadow plants to an area that was mowed lawn. He put this in a report form with simple steps to control invasive plants and add more natives.
The customer, Emily Webster, introduced Laurie to her invasive expert and nephew: Charlie Ippolito. Not to be outdone, Laurie
immediately hired Charlie to survey her wetlands and meadows. Very encouraging results for many native species and there are a lot of invasive plants to try and remove and reduce.
Together, Broocolo and Charlie we are offering this new consulting service to those interested.
(585.424.4476 and ask for a
consultation with Charlie the Invasive Plant Specialist)