Re-Wilding – Restoring Nature

By Brandon | News, Newsletters | Comments Off


Laurie Broccolo – Proudly an “Environmental Wacko”

The new term to transform your property into a haven for birds, bees and butterflies.
Small properties can contribute with pollinator and rain gardens.
Large properties can simply reduce mowing areas to get started.
Adding groups of native shrubs and a few trees, will provide the shelter and food needed for nesting. A natural habitat consists of a tree canopy, understory shrubs, ground covers, wood edges and meadows.
Environmental Wacko
Many of you know that our founder Laurie Broccolo is a self-proclaimed “environmental wacko”, a name her husband Albert fondly began calling her when tree huggers were thought of as activists in a demeaning way. The early 90’s had a popular radio host named Rush Limbaugh who coined that term as a derogatory reference to conservationists trying to save the birds, the bees and our earth. 30 years later, we are proud to be leaders in this effort. At age 65, Laurie has decided to spend most of her time at the garden center, playing with plants and socializing with likeminded gardening enthusiasts
Discover the Tall Grass Zoo
Recently an avid gardener shared the successes occurring in her small, designated no-mow area. Her nephew is an invasive plant
specialist for NYS and as a gift, he walked through the area and identified 71 plants with only 9 invasive, 38 native and 24 non-native, but not invasive. In 1 year’s time, nature added almost 40 new native meadow plants to an area that was mowed lawn. He put this in a report form with simple steps to control invasive plants and add more natives.
The customer, Emily Webster, introduced Laurie to her invasive expert and nephew: Charlie Ippolito. Not to be outdone, Laurie
immediately hired Charlie to survey her wetlands and meadows. Very encouraging results for many native species and there are a lot of invasive plants to try and remove and reduce.
Together, Broocolo and Charlie we are offering this new consulting service to those interested.
(585.424.4476 and ask for a
consultation with Charlie the Invasive Plant Specialist)
Another advantage to a meadow is the cooling of soil and air temperatures.
(67F – 76F – 110F Left to Right in case you needed the conversions!)
Private Group Events
In addition, we are offering group classes, workshops and tours at the B-Friendly Farm which is located next to the Broccolo Garden Center. Use of the renovated 1900 barn is a perfect place to host educational fun activities for people of all ages.


Did you know the Barn at Broccolo’s B-Friendly Farm is also offered for non-profit associations through Broccolo’s Goodness Grows Fundraising?

Charitable Donation
Attention all non-profit organizations
Through July 3rd we are offering:
Free annual flowers and vegetables
with proof of your 501(c)3 status.
Please spread the word!

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