July 4th – Fruits of Nature (Scroll down – Special this week!)

By Brandon | News, Newsletters | Comments Off

Happy July 4th!

Wishing you a great weekend full of Friends, Family, Pets and SUN!
Garden Center Closed July 4th – See you the 5th!

The Fruits of Nature
Not only do they attract native pollinators, they lure people too.
Have you ever picked wild Raspberries or Blueberries? How about Cranberries or Strawberries or Elderberry? We have ready to eat berries in stock with immediate satisfaction when you take them home and plant in your yard! Fast Food done right!
You can plant native fruit for yourself to enjoy or share with our bird friends
Ever try Jostaberries or Gooseberries? They are just starting to ripen now.
Yes, they are native as well!

Pawpaw and Persimmon trees are native and the only way most people can try them is to grow your own. Unlike apples, they do not store and ship well, so must be eaten immediately in season

Try your hand at making Elderberry jam or tea. You can eat the red service berries of Amelanchier if you can get them before the birds. Robins and cedar waxwings are very fond of these which are also referred to as June berries
Get your edible garden growing with native berries and other popular fruit trees such as apples, cherries, and pears
Buy 1, get 1 free – July 5th through July 8th


Broccolo Barn Welcomed: Bach to Rock

Bach to Rock student music recital was cancelled due to rain and quickly moved to the Barn at Broccolo Garden Center.
There was music in the air all day long. So much energy and talent turned a rainy day into a unexpected fun event.
Did you know the Barn at Broccolo’s B-Friendly Farm is also offered for non-profit associations through Broccolo’s Goodness Grows Fundraising?

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