By Brandon | News, Newsletters | Comments Off
Trees, Shrubs and Perennials can all get planted until the ground is frozen.
If you need any for gifts or to finish off a project we are glad to meet by appointment.
Resist the urge to cut back these perennials in the fall. These plants should be left until spring as their roots are more vulnerable to winter damage. Leaving the foliage will protect them:
These perennials are evergreen and should be left up for winter:
Watch Martha review how to do Dormant Pruning for your shrubs and trees.
Want Help? Click Here for a Dormant Prune Quote
Some great tips from This Old House on ending the season strong: Click Here
Garden Center/ Broccolo Office:
2755 Penfield Rd.
Fairport, NY 14450
(585) 424-4476
Fax: (585) 292-0995